Artwork & Decorative Pieces

Showing 25–36 of 39 results

  • Hermes Head Sculpture, 4th Century, Greece

  • Roger Capron Vase for Vallauris, circa 1960, France

  • Robert and Jean Cloutier Sculpture Horse, circa 1960, France

  • Jordi Alcaraz Sculpture, circa 2016, Spain

  • Pair of Marble Roman Capitals, 2nd Century, France (SC0099)

  • Large Skull Sculpture by the Spanish Artist Gabriel, circa 1990 (SC0093)

  • “Merida”, Series of 16 Photographs by Sean Scully, circa 2001, Mexico (TX0106)

  • Peter Pierre Székely Art Work “Bâtisseur A: Le temps”, circa 1978, France (TX0099)

  • Juan and Paloma Garrido Pedestal, 2019, Spain (OB0101)

  • Amethyst Four-Panel Screen by Elisabeth Lemaigre-Voreaux, circa 1970, France (OB0094)

  • Serge Castella “Almeria” Carpet for BSB, circa 2000, France (CAR0010)

  • Desiré Von Pelt Ceramic Bisque “Still Life” Sculpture, circa 2000, Spain (CE0028)